Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy pills

.......uhm........ thats what chocolate is for....

On a serious note however, people are forever trying to acheive things the lazy way. No one is really willing to pay the real price for happiness...and its not $2.50 for a pill! Real happiness is acheived when ur heart takes delight in something. The price is having a good attitude towards things. IF you arent happy.... Then change the way you're doing things, dont throw a another pill at it. Happiness isnt lasting either, its just an emotion that comes and goes. If u want JOY though, be a spirit-filled lover of Jesus Christ. Happy or no, you can enjoy a fruitful life of joy, joy, joy, down in your heart. :)


  1. Every season IS allergy season for me. lol

    Also, why can't I subscribe from blogspot? I'll have to email you to myself.

    Finally, I'd like to throw out there that some people have situational depression, and others have a literally have a brain chemical malfunction, but even then while legitimatley needing an antidepressant (happy pill), that is only half the equation. What you mentioned is the other half! :D It needs to be said, cause people like to ignore the mental battle as well. A pill simply cannot solve all anyone's problems, and sometimes people abuse them by using when they don't need to. So, in a way, I get you're point. I just wanted to share my side. :D
    hugs! <3 fayfay

  2. you know what? that picture just registered. lol. wow. I scoff at that with you, what lame marketing.
