Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Little tid bits I've learned about...

Things with guys.

1. The cuteness factor goes waaaay down after a guy opens his mouth.

2. On the contrary, the attractiveness can go waaaay up on an average joe who has gold nuggets to say. :)

3. This should have been rule number one in a book I will never write: um, he's never yours. Ever, not even if you're married. He's God's and that changes things a bit, no matter who it is.

4. The toilet seat: is it really worth the argument? My answer is "yes" if it's covered with ick and I don't want to touch it to go pee. Other wise, it's kinda funny.

5. Pretending you don't notice them pretending not to notice you ... Isn't that like multiplying two negatives and getting a positive? Why not just say, " hey, I'm noticing you right now" and vice versa? Because GUYS don't realize it's going on. Let's not tell em okay?

6. It's really funny what a guy will say when it's understood that our friendship is entirely and completely platonic.

8. It's funny what a guy will NOT say when it's not necessarily completely platonic.

9. Heehee, maybe only a guy would notice I didn't have a thought number 7. That was on purpose. I didn't want anyone to take number seven and run with it.

And last but not least,

10. I think I like that boys aren't girls. It's kinda nice, really. I appreciate it pretty sincerely. Until I realize guys don't notice a lot of stuff. Then I think there are some places they could probably use us girls too. That makes me feel glad. :)

I think that's it for the day! Until next time....

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