Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Hey friends! The best conversation of the day.
I was calling Selah poopface instead of Praise (her middle name) to annoy her so this convo transpired.

Sarah: hey Selah if I call u poopface instead of praise than ur allowed to call me poopface too.
Selah: poopface
Sarah: HEY! I didn't call u poopface yet, poopface!
Selah: ur a butt!

..... Then I couldn't decide if I needed to laugh hard or be surprised! I think I just got served!

Decided to have a little fun with Becca this morning.  I don't think she realizes that writing ur name on food doesn't mean anything in this house. Lol!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sarah shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

Sarah just shared an Instagram photo with you:

view full image

"On my SmartWater bottle: 1. Purity u can taste, 2. Hydration u can feel, 3. Connecting brain cells u can smell. ... Ok. I MAY have added that last one... ;-)"

The Instagram Team

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

FWD:Valentine's Day :0)

Whoops! except this was actually my mom's doing!

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Valentine's Day :0)

My dad, without fail, ALWAYS does something sweet for Valentine's Day. :)